Art By The Foot

Next week the Westland Gallery will be exhibiting their annual square foot exhibition.  All works must adhere to the dimensions of 12”X12”. This is one of their most popular shows of the year, and definitely a crowd-pleaser.  The gallery is transformed into a salon style exhibition space, that this year has over 500 pieces gracing the gallery walls.

The exhibition brings artists from varied levels together under one roof.  In many ways it is an opportunity to see what your peers are creating and share in a conversation of their creative process.  Sometimes this format is also a way to reach an audience that might not be aware of your work.  Or an opportunity to push a direction in your work that you may have been experimenting with.  The size constraint can at times be challenging, especially for those whom don’t always work so small.  I have thrown my hat in the ring as always and am using the opportunity to introduce my abstraction works which I have been developing over the last little while.